Poll #1: “Do you believe that the state/position of the moon affects life on earth?”
578 people viewed
121 people responded
98 (81%) answered yes
23 (19%) answered no
Poll #2: “Do you believe that the state/position of the moon affects humans?”
557 people viewed
128 people responded
98 (77%) answered yes
30 (23%) answered no
Poll #3: “Do you believe in astrology?”
~600 viewed, didn’t see exact # but it was slightly more than the first two
132 people responded
72 (55%) answered yes
60 (45%) answered no
few things to revisit, off the bat:
- More people answering poll 2 compared to poll 1 despite less people seeing it - people are more certain about their relationship with the moon than they are about the moons relationship with other lifeforms
- People answering no to poll 2 but yes to poll 1 implying humans don’t fall under the category of life on earth
- People who view and don’t answer. Are they centrists? Does their opinion fall outside of the poll options? Do they assume I know their answer? Are they hate-consuming my content? Are they just tapping through and don’t wanna think to answer? Do they have an opinion but don’t want me knowing it? So many questions and so little answers, all probably valid
- How biased is my audience compared to the general public?
- My take on life on earth’s relationship with the moon. It’s 2am now but I love this subject and will revisit.